Can You File a Lawsuit Against Your Doctor for Bad Treatment?

Patients instill a lot of trust in their physicians, sharing confidential information with them with the view of getting the best therapeutic treatment. Nevertheless, situations may occur in which a patient believes they have been subject to ill-treatment within the range of the doctor-patient relationship. In such instances, the patient can file a lawsuit against the doctor with the help of a personal injury lawyer. Here are various scenarios that may culminate in legal claims against health practitioners. [Read More]

Tips on How to Choose a Family Lawyer

The reasons for hiring a family lawyer can be many, but the most common reason is because of divorce or separation, as there are many legal aspects that need to be considered when dividing property and assets between two people that used to share those things. However, hiring a family lawyer can also be a necessity if your spouse passes away, if you want to adopt a child, or if you want to build a new house with your spouse that you're both sharing the costs of. [Read More]

Times when you should hire a compensation lawyer

Compensation lawyers are the type of lawyers you should contact if you've suffered an injury or an accident that a third party can be directly responsible for. A compensation lawyer will work to give you financial coverage for the injury you have suffered. Many people feel hesitant about making these claims, as they are not sure about whether a legal process will help them, or because they don't know if their particular injury will be enough to make a claim for compensation. [Read More]

What You Need to Know About Slander

If a person is tarnishing your name and reputation by spreading false statements about you, the best way to stop this is by suing them for slander. Read on to learn what slander is and the claims that are acceptable. What Is Slander? This is any oral statement that is false and which tarnishes the reputation of the one it is addressed to. The difference between slander and libel is that slander is an oral defamatory statement whereas libel is a written defamatory statement. [Read More]